According to recent statistics, 1 in 11 Americans have shoplifted at some point and 1 in 48 get caught. Not everyone who is caught shoplifting is arrested, however. Many stores and businesses opt to let shoplifters go if they got their items back, not wanting to derail someone’s life and hoping they have learned their lesson. In fact, merchants only turn in about 50% of shoplifters they catch in the act.
When you or someone you love is arrested for shoplifting,
Shoplifting Charges
Shoplifting is classified as a “petty theft”. When someone is arrested for shoplifting they will be taken to the local jail in the jurisdiction of their arrest. The defendant will have to pay the bail amount before they can be released from holding. The person will have to stay in jail until the court date comes if the bail amount goes unpaid. A bail bond company can help cover these charges.
Shoplifting is not the most severe crime that one can commit. The penalty will depend on the value of the property that was stolen. It can vary from fines to probation for the first offense. For the juvenile offender, the charge of shoplifting can be brought down to a minor infraction if it’s the first offense. If this does happen it shouldn’t be placed on their permanent records.
Hire an Attorney
Hiring an attorney is an important decision in your defense and you should be sure to do so. A shoplifting record can ruin a person on so many levels. It can make it hard for the person to get a job. It can also make family members and friends look at the person in a negative way. There could be other negative consequences from even petty theft. An attorney can help to have the case dismissed or have the penalties minimized.
Punishment for Shoplifting
Shoplifting charges and penalties in Texas will depend on the value of the property stolen and also if this was a first-time offense or repeated behavior.
- Property value under $50: Class C misdemeanor, a maximum fine of $500
- Property value under $50 plus prior theft conviction: Class B misdemeanor, a maximum fine of $2,000 and/or maximum 180 days in jail
- Property value between $50 and $500: Class B misdemeanor, a maximum fine of $2,000 and/or maximum 180 days in jail
- Property value between $500 and $1,500: Class A misdemeanor, a maximum fine of $4,000 and/or maximum one year in jail
- Property value between $1,500 and $20,000, or firearm theft: State jail felony, a maximum fine of $10,000 and at least 180 days in jail, not to exceed two years
A-EZ Out Bail Bonds: Securing Release
In most cases, the severity of the charge depends on the circumstances of the crime. Something that’s usually considered a low-level crime can increase in severity depending on the person who committed it, or the circumstances involved.
In DFW, A-EZ Out Bail Bonds can help secure your release for nearly any charge. From misdemeanors to felonies, we’ve dealt with it all. Call us at (214) 749-5600 or visit our website to explore one of our seven locations in the metroplex and receive our help in your time of need.