Felonies are the most serious types of crimes, carrying severe punishments such as lengthy jail sentences, hefty fines, and restricted rights even after serving time. If you’ve been arrested for a felony, it’s crucial to seek legal counsel immediately. To get the necessary legal help, you’ll need to be released from custody promptly. This is where A-EZ Out Bail Bonds steps in. Our Dallas office operates 24/7, ensuring you get released quickly so you can focus on your case instead of languishing in jail. Read on to learn more about felony charges and how our felony bail bonds can help you during this difficult time.
What Constitutes a Felony?
Felonies can be either violent or non-violent crimes. By definition, they are punishable by at least 366 days of imprisonment, according to the Legal Information Institute. Post-release, a felony conviction can impact your life significantly, making it hard to find employment or housing as noted by FindLaw. Various crimes fall under the category of felonies, including:
- Drug possession and distribution
- Kidnapping
- Fraud
- Murder
- Tax evasion
- Theft
- Burglary
- Arson
- Battery
Some felonies come with aggravated sentences, leading to longer prison terms. Aggravated sentences typically apply when an accomplice is involved, the victim is elderly, or the crime is particularly heinous, as outlined by the National Institute of Justice.
The Arrest Process for Felonies
When arrested for a felony, you will be booked and processed by the local police department or county sheriff. This process includes fingerprinting, photographing, and documenting any belongings you have. You will also receive an arraignment date, where a judge informs you of your charges and determines your eligibility for bail, according to the American Bar Association. In larger jails, booking can take up to 24 hours.
Types of Felony Bail Bonds
At A-EZ Out Bail Bonds, we offer a variety of bail bonds designed to meet the specific needs of individuals facing felony charges. Below, we detail the types of felony bail bonds we provide and how they can help during this challenging time.
Felony DWI Bail Bonds
Driving while intoxicated at a felony level often involves repeated offenses or situations where serious injury or death occurred. These charges carry severe penalties, including significant fines, long-term imprisonment, and the loss of driving privileges. Securing a felony DWI bail bond allows you to return home quickly, giving you the time to consult with an attorney and begin crafting a solid defense.
Drug Charge Bail Bonds
Felony drug charges, such as possession, trafficking, or manufacturing controlled substances, are treated seriously and can lead to substantial legal consequences. These charges often involve high bail amounts, making it difficult for many individuals to secure release on their own. A drug charge bail bond from A-EZ Out Bail Bonds ensures you can leave custody, meet with legal counsel, and prepare for court while minimizing the financial burden.
Non-Violent Crime Bail Bonds
Non-violent felony charges, such as theft, fraud, or embezzlement, may not involve physical harm but still carry serious repercussions. These offenses can lead to significant fines, restitution payments, and lengthy prison sentences. Our non-violent crime bail bonds allow you to focus on addressing the allegations and maintaining your personal and professional responsibilities while awaiting trial.
Assault Bail Bonds
Felony assault charges, including aggravated assault or assault involving a weapon, are among the most serious crimes individuals can face. These charges often result in high bail amounts due to the perceived risk to public safety. With an assault bail bond, you can secure your release from custody, enabling you to collaborate with your attorney and gather evidence to support your defense.
A-EZ Out Bail Bonds: Your Trusted Partner
The bail amount determined by the judge takes into account the nature of the crime, your financial capability, and your overall character, including work history and prior criminal record. Even if the bail amount is set high, A-EZ Out Bail Bonds makes it possible to secure your release at a fraction of the cost.
We require only a small percentage of the total bail amount, ensuring your financial resources are preserved for other critical needs. As long as you fulfill court requirements and attend all scheduled hearings, you won’t owe the remaining bail amount. This arrangement provides peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on building your defense without unnecessary financial stress.
A-EZ Out Bail Bonds Has Your Back
Navigating felonies can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face this challenge alone. At A-EZ Out Bail Bonds, we are dedicated to helping you through the bail process with speed, affordability, and professionalism. Don’t let a felonies disrupt your life any more than it already has. Contact us today to take the first step toward securing your release and preparing a strong case for court. With A-EZ Out Bail Bonds, you can trust that you’ll have experienced professionals in your corner, providing the support and guidance you need every step of the way.