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The Hard Truth About Traffic Ticket Warrants

When it comes to traffic ticket warrants, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. Contrary to what some believe, Dallas officers will arrest you for unpaid traffic tickets.

A traffic ticket may not be a big deal, but a host of unpaid traffic tickets will prove to be a big pain. It can actually become an issue that seriously affects your freedom to legally drive. Many miss court dates or forget to pay in time, even procrastinating until the last minute until it’s too late. But there’s a high cost to pay following an outstanding traffic ticket violation. Here are a few of the myths about traffic ticket warrants so you’ll be prepared for the hard truth.

Myth #1: Nobody Arrests for Traffic Ticket Warrants

Not true. No matter how trivial the reason, a warrant for an arrest is still a warrant for arrest and is able to be enforced anywhere in the state of Texas. Even though you probably won’t be arrested at the moment the traffic ticket warrant is issued, you still have to obey the instructions on your citation since a failure to appear on a court date leads to full payment in fines.

Myth #2: OK, But I Can Just Pay My Fine Once I Get to Jail

You most likely can’t pay your fine until well after you’re bonded from out of jail. Jailers and officers do not have the power to take away any outstanding warrant, but they are able to arrest, incarcerate, and fine you. The court is the only body that can take away your warrant. What you owe in fines, you owe to court; these fines cannot be paid from jail. Either you can get out of jail using a bond and pay the court, or have another person go to court for you and pay your fine. You can really only pay when the court opens, and not during the weekend. The court then must send paperwork to your jail to let you out. If you’re arrested on a weekend, this will take much more time to resolve.

Myth #3: If I Get a Warrant from a Different City, I’m OK

If you believe that just because you got a warrant in another city you’re safe in your hometown, that isn’t true. Any warrant issued in Texas is valid in the entire state. This warrant won’t simply vanish and go away. Anyone stopped for speeding in Dallas will be checked out by the police officer, who can discover your warrant from Marfa and put you under arrest.

Myth #4: Officers Have Better Things to Do Than Arrest Me For a Speeding Ticket

Again, not true. Police officers will conduct a routine search on their computer to find existing or open warrants, and if you have one, the officer can arrest you and impound your vehicle, taking you straight to jail. But in extremely rare events, overworked police officers with urgent calls may not decide on an arrest, but cases like these are few and far between. Arrest warrants are to be taken seriously by police officers, and even though they would prefer not to, they will likely arrest you. An arrest warrant is an order directly from the court and cannot be ignored.

Myth #5: I’m OK As Long As They Don’t Find Me

Also not true. Ticket warrant arrests are a highly profitable operation for any jurisdiction. Just two warrants can exceed $800, with warrant fees, collection fees and fine amounts all included. City Marshals can locate people anywhere in the state and find just about everyone with tech-savvy information sources.

Don’t Set a Court Date, Set a Trial

Unfortunately, a warrant will find you – so it’s best to go through the process and not try to dodge the justice system. If your traffic tickets have piled up, you still don’t need to pay the whole amount. If you set a date in court and pay the fine, you’ll be entering a no-contest plea, meaning you’ll take the full brunt of the consequences for the traffic ticket. But if you set a trial, you have the chance to state your case and get a fair outcome.

A EZ Out: Dallas Bail Bond Service You Can Trust

Dallas officers may arrest you for unpaid traffic tickets, but A EZ Out offers traffic ticket bail bonds. A EZ Out Bail Bonds promises to help you get out of jail if you’re arrested for unpaid traffic tickets or fines. If you have a warrant out for a missed court date or have accumulated big traffic fines, you can count on us to help you with affordable bail bond services, 24/7.

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