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The Importance of the Bail Bond Industry During Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic put a strain on bail bond companies and defendants alike. The courts started postponing hearings due to public safety concerns, and bail bond companies became even more essential. A lot of U.S. citizens were and continue to be under immense financial strain due to mass layoffs. They often struggle to pay the full bail amount set by a judge. The government distributed three phases of stimulus checks to help struggling Americans, and businesses are starting to reopen, which will help alleviate a lot of financial troubles. Still, a lot of people remain in a monetary deficit and continue to depend on bail bond companies to get out of jail. Bail bond companies like A-EZ out were able to help get many people get out of jail. Defendants in north Texas were able to go home and wait for the court to reschedule their hearings. Bail bond companies offer people the opportunity to resume their lives. They can continue taking care of their families, going to school, and making money to pay for court fees, fines, and additional financial obligations.

Decrease in Court Cases

Court cases decreased because of safety concerns resulting from the pandemic. Many courts have been awarding bail and bail reductions to help mitigate overcrowded jails and maintain health in jails. This was an important change because people would’ve otherwise been forced to waste an extended period of time in jail, even for minor cases. Bond companies have been invaluable resources along the way and helped people accused of crimes make bail. Bail bond companies have played a role in keeping individuals accused of crimes healthy, by keeping them out of prison.

Dangers of Long Term Incarceration

It can be easy to forget that jail is dangerous. A stint in jail can be detrimental to the wellbeing and rehabilitation of incarcerated individuals. Especially since many people in jail are incarcerated for petty crimes or are simply awaiting their hearing. Staying in jail may actually lead these people to commit more serious crimes in the future. This is because they are forced to live in close quarters with people who committed more serious crimes. It’s possible for non-violent offenders to start partaking in more serious crimes under this influence. There is also a threat of physical violence in jail, and now a growing health concern due to Covid-19.

Bail Bond Companies Provide Financial Relief

Bail bond companies are instrumental in providing financial relief and alleviating the stress associated with jail time. If you appear at all of your court dates, the courts will return your bail money to you. However, after a full calendar year of layoffs and trying to pay bills a lot of people don’t have that kind of money. Especially, when your case might stay on the docket for months, and then you must complete the trial. For defendants without a lot of discretionary income, it may not be feasible to have money tied up for that long. Bail bond companies can help defendants manage this expense. For only 10% of your set bail, the bondsmen at A-EZ Out can get you released from jail. This is a huge savings for a lot of people and can help you avoid a prolonged stay in your local jail.

Bail Bond Services are Essential

It may appear that the need for bail bond services during the pandemic decreased, but that’s not necessarily true. A lot of people still needed bail bond services, especially as the courts started granting bail reductions. The dedicated bail bondsmen at A-EZ Bail Bonds continued to work through the pandemic serving Texans. A-EZ Out bondsmen will continue to work hard for you when the pandemic is over. People being held in jail cells are still at risk of contracting Covid-19. Transmission of the virus remains a relevant concern. A-EZ Out provides bail bond services in an easy and painless process. Our process helps people stay safe and financially stable by getting them back to their homes and jobs fast.

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