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Weird Laws You Could Be Breaking

Have you ever told someone the wrong report on the weather? Be wary, because lying about the weather is illegal. There are plenty of other weird laws you could be breaking without knowing. 

Lying about the weather is illegal according to 18 U.S. Code § 2074 and it was primarily made illegal to ensure the government doesn’t publish false weather reports to push an agenda. This is mostly relevant in cases where there are severe storm warnings or potential catastrophic weather events. 

Avoid arrest or paying fines for something silly like this by knowing about the weird laws you could be breaking. If you do find yourself in trouble for something like this, you can always contact a Dallas bail bondsman at A-EZ Out Bail Bonds.

Think Twice Before Hosting A Movie Night

What seems like a harmless and fun Friday night could potentially cost you thousands of dollars. It is against copyright laws to show a film to the public, this includes a projector in the backyard. Copyright laws protect the owner of the film or work, making sure they receive proper royalties and such. 

That makes it illegal to show a film with these copyright laws to the public, which includes even your neighbors. Before you are hit with a copyright fine, make sure you know what type of copyright laws are associated with the film, and maybe just show it to your family on your TV instead of a backyard projector. You can always check MPLC about specific copyright law concerns. 

Think Twice Before Singing Happy Birthday In Public 

But wait, almost every time you sing Happy Birthday it is to embarrass your friend at a public restaurant? Singing Happy Birthday or the Macarena, along with other popular songs in public is also a copyright infringement. While it is not likely that you will be fined, it is certainly not impossible. 

Just take a look at the time the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) required the girl scouts to pay royalties for singing the Macarena in public. 

The Problem With Encyclopedia Britannica

In Texas, Encyclopedia Britannica is banned because there is a recipe for homemade beer in one of the volumes. Texas makes a sizeable profit off of beer sales and breweries, so it is not shocking that they want to minimize at-home beer brewing as much as possible. 

Ramifications of owning Encyclopedia Britannica can include fines and in extreme cases, even jail time. So if you own Encyclopedia Britannica, maybe avoid displaying it on the coffee table. 

On the same token, be careful about LeFors, Texas beer laws. It is also illegal to take more than 3 sips of beer while standing. 

Don’t Hang Dice On Your Rearview Mirror

Hanging dice and dream catchers in your rearview mirror is cute and fun but can be dangerous. Even air fresheners can cause problems. It obstructs the driver’s view and can be a reason to get pulled over. Even worse, in some states, you can be cited for having obstructions in your rearview mirror if you are involved in a crash. 

Call A-EZ Out Bail Bonds

Whether or not you were arrested for something silly like hanging dice from your rearview mirror or something more serious, call A-EZ Out Bail Bonds for help from a Dallas bail bondsman at (214) 749-5600. There are more weird laws you could be breaking without knowing, so be careful. You can request the help of a Dallas bail bondsman at A-EZ Out Bail Bonds. Know the laws near you, even the weird ones that you could be breaking without knowing. 

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